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When the immunological memory of T cells goes astra

Mechanisms of pluripotency: translational control of stem cell fates

Global Brain Ageing: Investigating normal and abnormal aging across the globe

Modulatie van mitochondriaal metabolisme van bloedstamcellen om het leeftijdsgebonden risico op kanker te verminderen en kankertherapie te verbeteren

Radiology and pathology join forces through Artificial Intelligence for Integrated Diagnostics (AIID)

ORGANTRADE: Walls of Secrecy and Silence in the Human Organ Trade: Facilitating, Concealing and Laundering Illegal Transplants

Verkorte bestraling voor hoofdhalskanker om de behandeling te verlichten en negatieve effecten op het immuunsysteem te verminderen

Valuing the body: a moral history of human tissues in twentieth-century medicine

RabiBoost: Restoring suppressed immune pathways as a novel post-exposure treatment for rabies virus (RABV).

Restoring T-cell immunity in aggressive breast cancer: Serpins as actionable targets