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161Tb-PSMA: a promising alternative for the treatment of prostate cancer

Client :
Liquid Themes

161Tb-PSMA: a promising alternative for the treatment of prostate cancer

Project summary

This project is based on a novel collaboration between TerThera B.V. and Erasmus MC. This partnership creates a unique situation and enables the opportunity to use a newly produced therapeutic radioisotope (terbium-161) with a molecule used for the treatment of prostate cancer (PSMA) creating the radiopharmaceutical 161Tb-PSMA. 161Tb-PSMA is an anticancer agent and specifically bind to prostate cancer cells. Here, we will optimize 161Tb-PSMA production and perform the first safety assessment in patients. Additionally, we will perform preclinical studies to compare 161Tb-PSMA with the currently used 177Lu-PSMA.

Multiple lutetium-177 based radiopharmaceuticals have been registered and this resulted in a world-wide shortage of lutetium-177. This became evident in November-December 2022, when for over six weeks no lutetium-177 was delivered to Erasmus MC leading to long delays in, sometimes critically important, treatment of oncological patients. Terbium-161 is a viable alternative for lutetium-177 as it has near-identical radiochemical properties. The new Dutch company TerThera possesses a large quantity of Gd-160, the precursor for Terbium-161, and has started providing Tb-161 for the development and production of radiopharmaceuticals.

In this project 161Tb-PSMA will be synthesized and optimized toward clinical use. Meanwhile fundamental research will be performed by zooming in onto the comparison between lutetium-177 and terbium-161 labeled PSMA will be made.  The final radiopharmaceutical formulation will be used to perform a Phase I clinical trial to establish the maximum safe activity as well as first indicators of efficacy of Tb-PSMA for the treatment of castration resistant prostate cancer.


Overall, with the obtained result, TerThera will be able to further develop Tb-161 as an active pharmaceutical ingredient.  There will be a better fundamental understanding on why Tb-161 is an effective radioisotope for cancer treatment. By performing the clinical study, we will create an alternative option to be able to treat more oncological patients.

More detailed information

Principal Investigator:

dr. Erik de Blois

Role Erasmus MC:

Principal Investigator


Radiologie & Nucleaire Geneeskunde

Project website:

Not available

Funding Agency:
