Implementation of the guide for microvascular coronary artery disease in cardiological practice

Project summary
Microvascular coronary artery disease is a heart disease in which patients develop chest pain due to the malfunction of the small coronary vessels that supply the heart with blood. This disease is relatively common in middle-aged women. Because there is no narrowing in a coronary vessel, this disease is often overlooked. The Gender working group of the Netherlands Cardiology Association (NVVC) has received a subsidy from ZonMw for creating and implementing a guideline for Microvascular Coronary Disease.
This guideline is intended to provide all Dutch cardiologists with a tool for recognizing the symptoms of the disease, the tests that can be done to make the diagnosis, and the treatment options.
The goal is that this disease will be better recognized and treated.
More detailed information
Principal Investigator:
Dr.Maryam Kavousi
Role Erasmus MC:
Project website:
Funding Agency: